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Agricultural Mowers

A wide selection of agricultural mowers - w

When purchasing a mower, you must first of all take into account: the type of terrain and mown material, as well as the power, weight and wheelbase of the tractor with which the mower will work.

Our store offers a wide selection of agricultural mowers from renowned companies, such as: 4FARMER, Geograss, TRX, Stark, Zanon, Bomet, Sanko, LS TractorWirax. They include both mowers from Polish and foreign manufacturers.

Four types of agricultural mowers

Below we present a short description of four types of agricultural mowers, which will help you in the initial verification of your needs. They are mowers that differ from each other in terms of application and operation. Namely:

A flail mower , the so-called mulcher, was so named due to the use of heavier cutting elements (the so-called flails) and because the mowing method and operation of the mower itself resembles mulching grass. It is called a "special task mower" because it can easily handle tall grass, shrubs, smaller trees, branches, or heavily overgrown areas. It has practically no defects - the only thing you should pay attention to is the sharpness of the cutting tools.

Care mowers designed mainly for mowing not very high grass (max. 350-400 mm) on large and flat surfaces. We choose this mower when we care about aesthetic space, because the way of mowing and cutting, as well as the design of the cutting blades, leaves behind a nicely mowed grass and undamaged terrain.

A rotary mower is one of the many types of mowers used in agriculture to mow green plants. This type of mower is designed to mow very large areas and is particularly good at cutting tall grass. The cutting part of the machine is a sharp knife that rotates around its own axis. The plant is cut when the knife hits it quickly.

Shredder mower , as the name suggests, is a mower that shreds e.g. grass or branches using two knives with sleeves located at the ends of a rotating blade, called a mower propeller. Thanks to a solid construction and a strong transmission, the work of the mower with a shredder is very efficient and fast.

Have questions? Write to us!

Our specialists with many years of experience will be happy to provide you with detailed information and help in the individual selection of equipment.